I'm proud to announce that with the Grand Opening of the BDSM Life sim DragonFyre Designs has opened it's first store. http://slurl.com/secondlife/BDSM%20Life/54/112/22 is the location of the stores new home. All are welcome to stop by.
Products that I currently have up for sale include:
Leather Floggers with and without Xcite! compatibility
Horse Hair Floggers also with or without Xcite! available in 11 different colors
Leather Riding Crops
Metal Riding Crops
All items are available in various levels of scripting from just the simple whipping motion and a striking sound all the way up to a multi menu based emote system that allows targeting of Avatars. This way there's something for everyone and prices are set accordingly. There are also Combination Packs that hold the various items in them.
All items are sold as no copy but are modifiable and transferable. This way you can buy it for someone you'd like to dominate you as well as if there is an issue like LSL updates that tend to bork things on occasion you can always get a new Flogger after contacting myself and telling me what's wrong and if it's something that can't be fixed a exchange can be made.
Future Items fro DragonFyre Designs:
St. Andrews Cross anitque wood and Leather editions
additions of Real Restraint and possibly Sensations Compatibility for all current items
Wooden Paddles
anything else that I can come up with along the way :)
Customer suggestions are welcome either here or write a notecard in SL and send it to me there my SL name is Lasynda Shichiroji